Join Us
Bridge House is an Independent, Special Needs school, which offers full-time, permanent, day provision to children who have previously experienced difficulties in education.
We offer a very small, nurture style provision and an unconditional positive regard approach to supporting children and young people with a broad range of additional needs, including, but not limited to:
- Social difficulties including difficulties forming relationships and interacting socially.
- Emotional vulnerability
- Mental Health difficulties, including depression, self-harm and anxiety.
- Anxiety-based school avoidance
- A history of school refusal or non-attendance
- Difficulties with communication and interaction, including Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
- Developmental disorders which impact upon concentration and attention.
- Conduct disorders.
- Trauma , including Adverse Childhood Experiences
Our non-punitive, restorative approach supports students to learn the skills they need to manage their often complex needs.
The majority of the pupils who attend the school have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP); however, this is not a requirement of the school.
Applications for a place at Bridge House
Children are able to access places at the school following a successful referral via their local authority.
Once a referral has been received, we carefully consider all of the information provided, in order to determine our ability, as a school, to meet the individual student’s needs.
The school may further assess its ability to cater to the applicant’s needs, before making an offer of placement, by:
- inviting the student to visit the school, with their parents or carers, after the end of the school day
- visiting the student’s home
- visiting the student’s current education provision, or speaking to the school SENDCo
When we are confident that we would be able to meet needs, our placement offer is returned to the referring authority, for them to consider.
Admissions procedures
Upon the placement offer being agreed by the referring authority, we will make contact with the parents/carers of the student to invite them to visit the school after the end of the school day. This gives the student the opportunity to meet key staff and explore the school, with the support of their parents or carers.
An admissions pack, which provides further detailed information about joining the school along with key paperwork is also shared at this important meeting.
We agree a start date with the referring authority following this visit and, where necessary, offer a transition plan.
Inclusion on the school roll is based on:
- Receipt of a placement agreement from the Local Authority
- An initial risk assessment being completed based on information provided by the referring school / agency, parent or carer and where necessary, other outside agencies.
- Completion and return of a completed admissions pack.
- Transport arrangements being in place (these must be agreed in advance).
No student is placed on roll, until these critera are met.
As an Independent School, the Head Teacher reserves the right to refuse entry if the school’s structure does not meet the educational, pastoral or social needs of the pupil concerned.
Additional information is available in our admissions policy, which is delivered in line with the Equality Act 2010, the School Admissions Code, the School Admission Appeals Code, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.